Posted by William Inniss on Sep 02, 2019
The Islands of The Bahamas Need Your Help
As Hurricane Dorian was raging through Abaco yesterday, leaders of District 7020, the Disaster Network of Assistance Action Group and neighbouring Rotary Districts in Zone 33-34 gathered to formulate plans for the recovery efforts they knew would be needed the very next day.
The team is on alert and will be meeting on a very regular basis, confirming the status of Rotarians and clubs and monitoring the immediate and longer-term needs. Our experience of the storms of 2017 will serve us well as we head into another year of returning these islands to their former beauty.
Although the brunt of the storm was borne by the northern islands of the archipelago, much of the area, including Nassau, New Providence, continues to experience heavy rainfall and flooding. 
  • Funds to aid The Bahamas specifically may be send directly to the Bahamas Disaster Fund.
  • Donations to assist with recovery efforts in all territories affected may be donated through DAF #574 at Rotary International

Donate Online

Donate to The Bahamas Hurricane Recovery via Credit Card/ PayPal through the Disaster Network of Assistance Rotary Action Group. The Disaster Network of Assistance is a Rotary International US registered 501c3 US tax-exempt charity. All donations are tax-deductible. Your donation will go directly to the District 7020 Hurricane Dorian Disaster Relief Fund. 
Click the buttons below to donate with PayPal or GoFundMe:
Bahamas Fund Details: 
Please ensure you advise in advance, the following details of funds being remitted to the Bahamas: 
• Name of Sender
• Amount of Remittance
• Notify 
Bank of America N.A., Miami branch
Miami, A/C 1901009680
A/C 1004195
13 Ridgeway Drive, Nassau Bahamas
P.O. Box EE 15627, Nassau, Bahamas
Phone: +1 (242) 424-6163
Donor Advised Fund Details: 
Through Rotary International at The Rotary International Disaster Response Fund where your gift helps Rotary clubs provide disaster recovery and support rebuilding efforts where the need is greatest. Contributions are combined into one fund and made available through Rotary Disaster Response Grants; they cannot be directed to a specific disaster.
Rotary DAF #574 for donations to assist with recovery efforts in all affected territories.
Les îles des Bahamas ont besoin de votre aide
Alors que l'ouragan Dorian faisait rage sur Abaco hier, les dirigeants du district 7020, du groupe d'action du réseau d'assistance en cas de catastrophe et des districts voisins du Rotary dans la zone 33-34 se sont réunis pour élaborer des plans pour les efforts de redressement dont ils savaient qu'ils seraient nécessaires le lendemain.
L’équipe est en alerte et se réunira très régulièrement pour confirmer le statut des Rotariens et des clubs et contrôler les besoins immédiats et à long terme. Notre expérience des tempêtes de 2017 nous sera très utile alors que nous entamons une autre année au cours de laquelle nous redonnerons à ces îles toute leur beauté.
Bien que les îles du nord de l'archipel aient essuyé le plus gros de la tempête, une grande partie de la région, y compris Nassau, New Providence, continue de connaître de fortes précipitations et des inondations.
Les fonds destinés à aider les Bahamas peuvent être envoyés directement au Bahamas Disaster Fund.
Les dons destinés à soutenir les efforts de relèvement dans tous les territoires concernés peuvent être versés via DAF # 574 au Rotary International.
Bahamas Fund Details. Assurez-vous d’avertir à l'avance que les fonds suivants sont versés aux Bahamas:
Nom de l'expéditeur
Montant de l'envoi